Housekeeping details
Because this is a place that's technically open to anybody on the Internet, for safety reasons, I won't use details that will identify Seabury students. I might occasionally use first names, but I'll even try to avoid that.
If you comment, I'll ask you also to be careful about identifying children. Thanks. If you have a question specific to your child, e-mail is a better idea. If I think it's of general interest, I'll answer it here, but without identifying details. Make sense? The blog is not that easy to get to if you don't know the address, so we probably don't need to be too paranoid, but better safe than sorry.
Comments would be great, though.
You can ask questions: "How many books can the Beacons check out each week?" "Do you know of any good sports novels for girls?" "Is Captain Underpants really okay for my first-grader to read?"
You can tell me about books your family has discovered. (I didn't know about the "Droon" books until two Seabury families clued me in!)
I'm sure this will be an evolving process.
Talk to you soon.
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