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Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Spring is an exciting season at Seabury.
Creativity is abloom in every corner.
On May 9, we have the honor of a visit from a wonderful, published author/illustrator: Laura McGee Kvasnosky. Her Zelda and Ivy books are among my favorites. And I'm not the only one who likes them. The original Zelda and Ivy won double (one for the writing, one for illustrations) Golden Kite honors from the Society of Children's Book Writers & Illustrators.
Laura has a pile of other terrific books, too, mostly published by Candlewick Press (also publisher of The Tale of Despereaux, Where's Waldo, Maisy). She used the puffins at our own Point Defiance Zoo as models for There Once Was a Puffin. She has another great book about friendship: Frank and Izzy Set Sail, and a good chapter book, too: One Lucky Summer. Her brand new book - Zelda and Ivy and the Runaways - is coming out soon. Amazon says it will be released on the very day of her visit, so maybe we'll have some for sale the day she's here. (I have a review copy. Shhh.)
This week and next I and the teachers are working on getting the children familiar with those and her other books.
Laura will spend the whole day at Seabury working with the children, from Ladybugs to Navigators. They will learn how she writes her books and makes her art, and depending on age will create books of their own, or characters.
Then in the evening Laura will help us celebrate Grandparents/Special Friends Day with a special event at 6:30 at the Lakota Middle School Cafeteria:
Here are the details:
6:30 – 7 PM Gallery time.
Seabury students will have stories they have “published” on display along with art created under the direction of Seabury Artist-In-Residence, Mauricio Robalino.
7 – 8:30 PM Laura Kvasnosky Presentation – Drawing on Family Stories:
Each family will work as a group to recount a treasured family story. Funny, poignant, and inspiring, the results are illustrated stories that unwind on long paper strips. Refreshments and reading follow.
8:30 – 9 PM Gallery Time / Laura Kvasnosky book signing. (Books will be available for sale.)
Check out what a Portland Mom wrote about Laura's "Drawing on Family Workshop."
Here's a link to Laura's Web site: lmkbooks.com.
And here's what some reviewers have said about her books:
Zelda and Ivy: "Children everywhere will recognize and relate to these three stories that take a gentle, humorous look at sibling dynamics. ...The energetic gouache-resist artwork features bright colors, homey scenes, and priceless expressions achieved with a minimum of line." (School Library Journal)
Zelda and Ivy and the Boy Next Door: "A trio of tales about three appealing young fox chums - Zelda, Ivy, and Eugene (the boy next door) - are artfully loose-jointed and reminiscent of the late Arnold Lobel's winsome Frog and Toad vignettes. ... the little foxes' adventures are bound to please both sophisticated listeners and beginning readers The author-illustrator has a winning way with words, and her pictures, full of action and feeling, are a delight." (Parents Choice)
One Lucky Summer (A chapter book): "This tightly written, affecting tale about adjustment and friendship should find an appreciative audience among readers of both genders." (Publisher's Weekly)
Talk to you soon.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Is anyone out there?
I'm wondering if you are remembering to check the blog. Throw me a few comments if you still are reading. I've got it bookmarked on my toolbar links; that's where I put sites that I check frequently. You might do that, too, if you like reading Tales from Seabury Library.
You might notice Amazon.com links showing up. I've applied for status as an Amazon associate so that if you'd like, you can order books through the site and it will serve as a small ongoing fundraiser for the Seabury Library.
Since we're talking about book purchasing, this would be a good time to remind you that Seabury has a Birthday Books program. Children are encouraged to donate a book to the library to celebrate their birthdays. We put a bookplate in the front of the book with the child's name and year of the donation. Your children are enjoying many books that have been donated over the years by students.
I've started a Seabury Library Wish List, taking advantage of Amazon's "wish list" feature. It will stay in the links to the right. I'll add to the list, and remove books when we've received them.
Talk to you soon ... and don't forget to post a comment if you're still reading!
Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Lilly's back!
My taxes are finally done (don't ask how much we owe!) so I can get back to things I'd rather pay attention to.
My column in The News Tribune this week was about Kevin Henkes' new book, Lilly's Big Day. He had big shoes to follow in Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse. Maybe that's why it took him 10 years.
But I like this new book just as much as the first, as you can tell in my review. I love all his mouse books. He understands children so well. My daughter's favorite was Chrysanthemum. She related because we had saddled her with a name that many people found difficult to pronounce.
I haven't read the new Lilly to Seabury children, yet. I will in the next few weeks, along with Purple Purse and another book or two in his mouse series.
I did read Kitten's First Full Moon last year after it won the Caldecott, and the Ladybugs might have heard it again this year. I've put it on the table for them to check out.
I just got the spring bookfair preparation box from Scholastic. The fair will be May 10-13. I notice they are sending hardcovers of Lilly's Big Day. That will be on the library "wish list." (Hint, Hint.)
Enjoy two Kevin Henkes links:
His own website is good. It includes activities for children.
Henkes appeared on the Today show last Friday. My guess is that Al Roker hadn't read the book, but it's fun to see Henkes draw Lilly for a group of children the show brought in. (Don't bother trying it if you have a Mac computer. MSN doesn't think we Mac owners are worthy of watching videos from Today, Dateline NBC, Meet the Press ... I had to wait till I came to school to watch it. I'm writing e-mails to MSN. We'll see how that works.)
Talk to you soon
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